Professional Detailing Service provided whilst in the comfort of your own home!
Vehicles completed
Maintenance/Basic Valet - From £50
Citrus Pre-Wash
Snow Foam
PH Neutral Shampoo with 2 Bucket System
Wheels & Tyres Deep Cleaned
Tyre Dressing Applied
Dried with a soft micro fibre towel
Carpets vacuumed inc boot if accessible
Interior wiped down
Door seals wiped down
Air freshener spray applied
Hydrophobic sealant top up
Mini Valet - From £80
Citrus Pre-Wash
Snow Foam
PH Neutral Shampoo with 2 Bucket System
Wheels & Tyres Deep Cleaned
Tyre Dressing Applied
Dried with a soft micro fibre towel
Carpets vacuumed, steamed and shampoo’d inc boot if accessible
Interior plastics cleaned and dressed with a satin spray
Foot pedals and steering wheel cleaned
Interior & Exterior windows cleaned
Door seals & jams fully cleaned
Air freshener spray applied
Dapper Valet - From £120
Package includes Mini+
Leather/Material seats cleaned, scrubbed, steamed & extracted
Soft detail brushes used to badges, grilles and tight areas inside & out
Chemical paintwork decontamination to remove iron and tar particles
Hydrophobic sealant to exterior paintwork to repel water and give general protection for up to 3 months